Bhai Baghel Singh


Bhai Baghel Singh (1730 - 1802) was born in village Jhabal Kalan, Amritsar District of Punjab, in to a Dhillon Jatt family around 1730's, he was the descendant of Chaudhary Bhai Langaha Dhillon, the Sikh chief of 84 villages in the Majha, who along with his younger brother Bhai Pero Shah Dhillon the grandfather of the famous Mai Bhago, had converted to Sikhism, during the time of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, in the 1580s. Baghel Singh (c. 1730 – c. 1802) was a Military general in the Punjab region in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent in the 18th century. He rose to prominence in the area around Sutlej and Yamuna. Singh joined the Singh Krora Misl, one of the misls during Sikh Confederacy. In 1765, Singh became the leader of the misl. Baghel Singh was born in village Jhabal Kalan, Amritsar District of Punjab around 1730s into a Dhaliwal Jat family. After death of Karora Singh, Baghel Singh succeeded him to the headship of the Misl.