Baba Gurbaksh Singh was a Sikh warrior from the 18th century who served under the Shaheedan Misl of the Sikh confederacy. Gurbaksh Singh along with 29 other Sikh warriors led a last stand against the Afghan and Baloch forces on December 1, 1764 at Amritsar. It was in this skirmish that Baba Gurbaksh Singh along with 29 other Sikhs were killed.Gurbaksh Singh was born in the village of Lil in Amritsar district on April 10, 1688 and was the son of Dasaundha and Mai Lachchhami Gurbaksh Singh was a contemporary of the 10th Sikh guru,Guru Gobind Singh and was initiated into the Khalsa during the Vaisakhi of 1699.He completed his religious education under Bhai Mani Singh and he would soon join the Shaheedan Misl under Baba Deep Singh. Gurbaksh Singh would lead a group of Sikh warriors who were famous for their bravery and gallantry against both Mughal and Afghan armies.The Afghans were soon attacked by 30 Sikhs lead by Baba Gurbaksh Singh at Shri Harmandir Sahib.It was in this skirmish that Baba Gurbaksh Singh along with the 29 Sikh defenders were killed.The remains of Baba Gurbaksh Singh along with the other dead sikhs were cremated and a memorial called Shaheedganj was built to commemorate the fallen Sikhs